NormaTec Pulse Decompression

NormaTec is the Leader in Rapid Recovery



NormaTec technology utilizes compressed-air massage sleeves that are attached to the limbs. This technology was developed by vascular expert and NormaTec founder, Dr. Laura P. Jacobs, in the late 1990s. It was created as a non-invasive way to treat circulation-related disorders. Today, it is common to see athletes using this technology to promote rapid recovery in their muscles between workouts, to get “fresh legs faster,” and to improve overall athletic performance. Also, for those recovering from a surgical procedure or those who have poor lower limp circulation.

Decompression has been shown to help:

- Lymphedema of various etiology
- Poor circulation due to vascular insufficiency
- Swelling of the lower limbs of various etiology
- Post-operative management of swelling (edema)
- Rehabilitation after injuries and contusions
- Prevention of deep vein thrombosis and embolism
- Prevention of varicose veins
- Sports and exercise recovery



The systems include a control unit and attachments which go on the legs and pelvis. Compressed air is used to massage your legs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery with the patented NormaTec Pulse Massage Pattern. When you the systems, you will first experience a pre-inflate cycle, during which the connected attachments are molded to your exact body shape. The session will then begin by compressing your feet. Similar to the kneading and stroking during a massage, each segment of the attachment will first compress in a pulsing manner and then release. This will repeat for each segment of the attachment as the compression pattern works its way up your legs.



Instead of using static compression (squeezing) to transport fluid out of the limbs, Sequential Pulse Technology uses dynamic compression (pulsing). Our patented pulsing action more effectively mimics the muscle pump of the legs, greatly enhancing the movement of fluid and metabolites out of the limbs after an intense workout.



Because extended static pressure can be detrimental to the body’s normal circulatory flow, Sequential Pulse Technology releases the hold pressures once they are no longer needed to prevent backflow. By releasing the hold pressure in each zone as soon as possible, each portion of the limb gains maximal rest time without a significant pause between compression cycles.



Amateur $20 for 15 minutes Pro $35 for 30 minutes



Veins and lymphatic vessels have one-way valves that prevent fluid backflow. Similarly, NormaTec Pulse Technology uses hold pressures to keep fluids from being forced in the wrong direction. Because of this enhancement, instead of tapering pressure off, the PULSE can deliver maximum pressure in every zone.


Research validating NormaTec Decompression: Click here